
Friday, April 23, 2010

Fruit Dip

I wasn’t sure whether I was going to post this recipe or's such a simple little recipe that I wondered if it was even worth it. I figured that a lot of people may already know about it....I think Marzetti's even makes this and it, or something similar, can be found on many fruit trays that can be purchased from Kroger, Giant Eagle, etc. But then I decided to go ahead and post it….if even one person reads this and thinks that they would like to make this fruit dip, it would be worth it.

You’ll need:

1- 7 oz. jar marshmallow creme (I prefer Marshmallow Fluff but that isn't always easy to find....Kraft is.)
8 oz. cream cheese, softened.

Mix the two ingredients together and serve with fruit.
Print Recipe

Using an electric mixer, mix cream cheese with marshmallow creme.

I like to take a spatula and mix it a little more.....just want to make sure it's mixed completely. Then I put it in the fridge to chill a little before serving.
See…..I told you it was simple. The most difficult part is keeping away from it.....once you start eating, you may not be able to stop.


  1. Mmmmm! Have to pick up more strawberries to try with your fruit dip.

  2. YUM!!! I remember the first time I tried this dip. I was at my nieces bday party and I LOVED it. I asked what was in it and the host told me to guess....of course I guessed the cream cheese....but I never would've guessed in a million years....the marshmallow creme. This stuff is amazingly good!!!! just sayin' :)

  3. Sounds simply delicious! Sorry couldn't help myself.
